The Terms and Conditions herein below form an integral part of the tour contract entered into between the Participant and Ride of My Life Moto Tours LLP (hereinafter referred to as ROML). However, any express Terms and Conditions set out in specific Tour Itineraries and Packages shall have precedence over the Terms and Conditions herein below.
The Terms and Conditions contained herein below form the basis of the contract (hereinafter referred to as the Tour Contract) between the Participant and ROML. The use and access of this Website by the Participant shall bind the Participant to the Terms and Conditions contained herein below, whether or not they have been read. As ROML may revise the Terms and Conditions at any time, the Participants are requested to visit this Website periodically and more particularly before entering into a Tour Contract to review the updated Terms and Conditions.
Site Contents
The information contained on this Website may contain typographical errors, omissions or inaccuracies relating to itineraries and other information. ROML reserves their right to correct any errors, omissions or inaccuracies as well as to update information anytime without any prior notice.
All information and material, written or otherwise, including photographs, images, video clips, marks, logos, designs that form part of this Website shall be part of the intellectual property rights of ROML.
The Copyrights, Trademarks, Designs and other intellectual property rights shall solely vest in and are owned by ROML and are subject to control and license of ROML.
Any information or contents contained or displayed on this website, may be downloaded or copied from this website for personal use only. However, no right title or interest shall vest or be transferred or assigned to any person by way of such downloading or copying.
No person shall be entitled to reproduce, display, transmit, publish, sell, assign or exploit, whether commercially or otherwise, any information or contents, either wholly or in parts, contained or displayed on this Website.
- We are responsible for providing and arranging the services listed in our tour itineraries and descriptions.
- We are responsible for conscientious travel preparations, and we review our accommodation providers, restaurants and contractors, on a continuous basis.
- We reserve the right to modify any part of a tour in the interests of improvement or to adapt to other situations as they arise.
- We will not be held responsible or liable for expenses incurred as a result of delays in flights or missed connections.
- We will not be held responsible or liable for any delays or any changes in the schedule in response to unplanned events.
- We will not be held responsible or liable for any accidents and/or bodily injury or death, resulting from the use of a motorcycle, and riders and passengers indemnify all such claims against us, and our employees.
- We are not responsible for any act of god, strikes, theft or other conditions beyond our control.
- We are not responsible or liable for any property lost or damaged while using a rental motorcycle.
Booking, Cancellation & Refund
At the time when the participant registers with ROML in respect of any Tour, he/she binds himself/herself in a legal Tour Contract with ROML. The registration for any Tour shall be effective only upon acceptances of the Terms and Conditions contained herein. The Tour Contract shall be accepted only after a written confirmation from ROML.
The Participant can book his/her tour by paying the booking amount mentioned on the tour page. The balance amount will have to be paid 60 days before the day of commencement of the tour.
If the participant fails to pay the balance amount at least 60 days prior to the day of commencement of the Tour, ROML reserve their right to cancel the booking & any booking amount paid as and by way of advance, shall stand forfeited.
After booking the tour, in case the participant wants to cancel the Tour Booking, ROML will not be liable to refund amounts paid by the Participant. However, if the participant so desires, he/she can do the same tour next year at no additional cost or he/she can gift/transfer the tour in favour of any of his/her friends. In such case, Participant will have to inform ROML about this at least 60 days in advance.
The Participant may transfer his/her booking in favour of someone else up to 60 days prior to the day of commencement of the Tour. The Transferee shall satisfy any and all conditions which may apply to the Tour booked by the Participant and shall be bound by all the Terms and Conditions contained herein. The Participant shall apply for the transfer in writing and provide the complete details of the Transferee. Any balance amount payable by the Participant must be paid before the Transfer is completed.
If a Participant is denied entry into India for any reason whatsoever, then ROML will not be liable to refund the amounts paid by the Participant with respect to the Tour.
If the participant fails to arrive at the specified time and date of the Tour, then ROML shall not be liable to refund the amounts paid by the Participant. ROML shall also not be liable to the Participant a repeat Tour. In case the participants fails to complete the Tour or leaves before the completion of the Tour for any reason, the Participant will be liable to make his/her own arrangements with respect transportation, lodging, and motorcycle return, etc., at his/her own expense, unless prior arrangements have been made with ROML.
The Participant shall not be entitled to claim any refund in respect of non-utilization of any part of the travel arrangements made by ROML.
Force Majeure
ROML shall be released from all obligations under the Tour Contract, if the Tour is cancelled on ground of Force Majeure i.e. exceptional and unforeseeable events and consequences thereof beyond the control and influence of ROML and which could not have been avoided despite of due care, diligence and caution exercised by ROML. Force Majeure includes but is not limited to floods, earthquakes, cyclones, other natural disasters, epidemics, strikes, war or situations similar to war, etc.
ROML reserve their right to change the itinerary or tour route which may include shortening, varying or re-routing the Tour without any prior intimation or notice on the ground of Force Majeure before or after the commencement of the Tour. ROML will try to divert/modify the route in case of any natural calamity.
Due to the nature of the Tour, unforeseen events or circumstances can delay the tour schedule. Any actions taken by ROML will be dependent on the nature of the delay or event.
In case the Participant chooses not to accept the alternative route offered to the Participant and not to participate in the tour, either on the same date or the alternative date, no other recompense will be offered from ROML.
In case ROML cancels a Tour on the ground of Force Majeure, ROML will try to offer an alternate Tour to the Participant. If the same is not acceptable to the Participant, ROML shall refund all amounts paid by the Participant in respect of the Tour. However ROML will not be liable to refund or compensate any incidental expenses incurred by the Participant with regards to the Tour booked.
Motorcycle Usage & damage policy
The Participant must be at least 20 years of age. The Participant must possess a valid unrestricted International motorcycle riding license / permit issued by Appropriate Authority of their place of residence.
The Participant must have at least 1 year experience in riding motorcycles. The Participant or the Pillion Rider should not expect to learn to ride a motorcycle while on Tour with ROML.
ROML recommends that the Participant bring his/her own personal riding gear. The wearing of a motorcycle helmet is mandatory in India.
The Participant will be responsible to follow the local road traffic regulations.
The Participant understands and fully accepts the risk and responsibility for keeping their motorcycle under control and for selecting an appropriate speed during the ride.
The Participant must bear any penalties, fines or similar charges; including damage caused to a third party’s person or property attributable to Participant’s abuse of the local road traffic regulations.
ROML shall not charge any safety deposit for the motorcycles provided by them for the Tour. However in case the Participant damages the motorcycle in an accident or in a fall, the Participant shall compensate for the repair and replacement parts damaged.
The Participant must follow all recommendations of ROML mechanics, Road Captains and the entire Ride of My Life team on Motorcycle care and safety.
The Participant must show reasonable care in the maintenance and driving of the Motorcycle issued to them.
The Participant must monitor their Motorcycle performance at all times, making themselves aware of the operational parameters and functional limitations of the Motorcycle.
The Participant must not substitute or exchange their Motorcycle without the express permission of Ride of My Life.
Insurance, Visa & Documentation
The Participant is solely responsible for his/her international ticket, Indian visa, other passport/visa related fees & documentation.
The Tour cost does not include any travel or other insurance. It is mandatory for the Participant to obtained adequate travel and other insurance including insurance cover for riding 500cc motorcycle and doing rafting for the entire duration of the Tour before the commencement of the Tour.
The Participant must also have insurance cover for any medical emergency including but not limited to medical evacuation.
ROML strongly recommends that the Participant purchase comprehensive travel insurance cover / adequate holiday insurance against cancellation charges, unexpected curtailment of holiday, medical expenses arising overseas, loss or damage to luggage and personal liability claims against the Participant.
In case of failure to obtain necessary and adequate insurance cover, then the Participant undertakes to indemnify, both ROML and their agents and representatives (as applicable) for any costs, charges or expenses that may arise and which would otherwise have been met had such insurance cover been taken out.
The Participant is solely responsible for maintaining all their insurance documentations.
Liability & Losses
ROML will not be liable for any loss caused to the Participant on account of delayed arrival or delays at any airport or seaport or any road or railway.
ROML is not responsible for any loss / damage / theft of any of your personal belongings of the Participant. All bags / luggage of the Participant left with the Luggage Service are at the Participant’s own risk.
ROML shall not be responsible for any accidents or deaths that may happen during the entire duration of the Tour.
ROML will not be responsible for any injuries or loss caused to any Participant or third parties through any occurrence as the result of failure, negligence, improper performance or behavior of either that or another Participant.
By agreeing to this Terms & Conditions, the Participant accepts full responsibility of his/her safety & well being. He/she would not hold ROML or any of its representatives responsible for any loss / damage / injury caused.
ROML reserve the right, at their absolute discretion, to terminate any Participant’s tour arrangements, without any notice, should the Participant’s behavior be such that in ROML’s opinion, it is likely to cause distress, damage, annoyance or danger to any other Participant /person; or, in case the Participant is physically incapable of completing the Tour or in case ROML have concerns about the Participant’s medical condition. In such circumstances, ROML shall not be liable to refund any amount or pay any compensation to the Participant.
Other Terms
All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of the courts at Mumbai.
Any request made by the Participant for change or modification of their itinerary, route change, accommodation changes, will be subject to additional charges payable by the Participant.
All participants are expected to maintain proper decorum with other co-riders and members from ROML team.
ROML will try it’s best to give you the service mentioned for the tour, in terms of food and stay conditions in the hotel. As we do not own these establishments, we would not be responsible if the service is not up to the mark.
Participant’s luggage must not contain weapons or ammunition, fireworks, illegal drugs, meat, fragile items, pornography or other items prohibited by local law or custom.
ROML will have the right to use photographs/ video footage taken by ROML’s representatives during the duration of the Tour for promotional activities on the website / marketing material.
ROML cannot accept liability or pay any compensation where ROML have had to cancel the Tour due to minimum numbers not being reached.
Once Bags are loaded into the Luggage Service, Participants will not have access to their Bags until the day’s ride has been completed and they have reached night halt destination. Exceptions can only be made under extreme circumstances.